Note! System upgrade from May 26 through May 31, 2025. The “Blue” system will be unavailable during this period, but the SIRS results site will remain accessible through this page.
The Student Instructional Rating Survey (SIRS) is a University-wide survey, conducted at the end of each semester, gathering student comments about their experiences in the classroom. The results are used by the individual instructors, departments, schools and the University, along with peer observation, teaching portfolios, and other direct and indirect measures, as part of the teaching evaluation process. Faculty members are asked to provide summaries of the student survey statistics for personnel decisions such as tenure, promotion or merit-based pay. The student opinions reflected here are an important part of the larger process.
SIRS is administered by the Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research. More information about SIRS is available on the main OTEAR web site.
Click the icons above for more information.
This website and the content therein, including the Student Instructional Ratings Survey data, is Rutgers’ proprietary and confidential information and protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws of the United States, foreign jurisdictions, and international conventions (“Proprietary Information”). You are allowed access to this Proprietary Information solely contingent on your permissions granted to you by Rutgers based upon your student or employment status within Rutgers and corresponding NetID (“Permitted Access”).
By accessing this website, you agree to keep the Proprietary Information confidential and not to disclose, aggregate, alter, copy, or share the Proprietary Information without Rutgers’ prior written consent. You may discuss the Proprietary Information solely with those persons who have Permitted Access. You understand that improper dissemination of this Proprietary Information would materially damage Rutgers, and if improperly released, Rutgers will seek appropriate action for any violation of Rutgers’ policies.
Please be advised that the University Counsel has determined that posting Student Instructional Rating Survey information for Teaching Assistants must cease as of Fall 2004 because of the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). Therefore no records for any Teaching Assistants will be available on this site as of Fall 2004 and for future terms.
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